Thursday, 11 August 2011

Finished Catalogues!!

 After a long few weeks of designing and decision making our Tshirts are finished!! And we're so pleased with the result!!

We decided the best way to show off our designs would be to use a catalogue format. Our catalogue features all forty designs as well as our inspirations and original photography- contact information can be found on the back page.

We felt that the way we bound our book was important for the presentation of our ideas. Originally we were going to staple our book together our use a ring binder, but thinking more into it we believed that sewing would be more appropriate, bringing tools used in fashion and producing a more exclusive and handmade look! We used the pamphlet stitch with black cotton - a simple but nice touch.

It would have been easier to go to the printer.... But we wanted to do it ourselves and feel the full sense of achievement!

Hand in time TOMORROW! Hope the guys like what we have produced.. We will keep you updated!

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